Calm Down Already!

This is an interactive book that introduces to early childhood, elementary teachers, home care providers, and parents the tools needed to successfully promote a harmonic environment using unconventional techniques such as positive affirmations, meditation, Reiki, soothing sounds, stories, and various relaxation techniques which could be incorporated into both the classrooms and households.
Ebook ISBN-13-978-1-946326-91-1 ~ Book ISBN-13-978-1-946326-90-4 


A Word From The Author

Angela Newman is an artist, author, minister, public speaker, and teacher. Calm Down is her first non-fiction book on Reiki, Meditation, and other calming and relaxation strategies and techniques. She has practiced both modalities and other relaxing methods and now shares what she has learned and practiced for over ten years. She received a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in history, focusing on the cultural history of Africans, African Americans, and Latin Americans. She also earned a Metaphysical Minister’s License and a Master’s in religion. Angela spins words like a D.J. working a turntable, so it would only be natural that she could tell stories like a modern-day Phyllis Wheatley and a spiritual Picasso. In her spare time, she teaches and gives clients Reiki treatments. Mrs. Newman loves to hand out inspirational and motivational quotes for the day. If you want to chat, visit her website or her on Facebook. She may drop an inspirational quote or wane a love ballot, inspiring you to buy one of the five books she self-published.

Angela M. Newman

Entrepreneur, Writer and Speaker.​

Complete Series

Sunny Sandy Series

In the quirky world of a little girl named Sunny Sandy, the first book of the series, her past time is rhyming , in the second book, Sunny Sandy loses her shoe and with the help of her friend, Candy they go on a quest to find the missing shoe. And in the final series, Sunny Sandy meets the pesky cat, Ginger Tutterall, who insists she takes her to the zoo. What will Sunny Sandy do? Find out if Ginger Tutterall gets invited to the zoo.

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New Book
Coming Soon
Here Comes the Baby!

This is a poem about the troubles of having an active baby moving around in the house and grabbing or damaging things and how parents must be aware.

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